About Us

History of the Museum

The Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia displays movable cultural heritage, more precisely over 7.000 valuable artefacts discovered through archaeological investigations throughout the entire territory of Macedonia. Since 1924 this Museum is the most significant and the oldest museum institution in Macedonia.

The visitors can enjoy the artefacts exhibited in the departments of: Prehistoric Archaeology, Antiquity, Medieval Archaeology, Numismatics, Anthropology and the Lapidarium.

Large number of the displayed artefacts in this institution are exclusive worldwide. The existing Culture and Cultural Heritage Laws register the largest part of this fund as a cultural heritage of particular importance.

In 2015, the Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia was placed among the 15 best museums in Europe, winning seventh place, according to the European Museum Academy.

The first archaeological collection was established in 1920 within the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.

In 1924 a museum institution was organized, The Historical-Archaeological Museum with a Lapidarium and it was located in Kurshumli An.

During World War II, 1941-1944, also in Kurshumli An, the institution existed as the National Museum – Skopje.

During this period, more precisely, in 1945, the Museum was organized in three departments: archaeological, ethnographical and medieval.

With the reorganization of the museums in FNR Yugoslavia, the Archaeological Museum was established from the National Museum in Skopje, as a separate institution on a national level.

From 1945 to 1963 the Archaeological Museum was located in the old building of the military barracks in the Skopje Fortress. In 1955, the permanent exhibition of stone monuments – the Lapidarium was opened, and it was located in the adapted stables of Kurshumli An.

From 1963-1977, i.e. immediately after the catastrophic earthquake in Skopje in 1963, the Archaeological

Museum was located in the barracks of Kurshumli An. In 1976 new museum complex was launched, where the Archaeological Museum was located until 2014.

In 2012 NI Archaeological Museum of Macedonia – Skopje was established as a new parent institution in the field of archeology.

After more than three decades in 2014 the Archaeological Museum of Republic of NorthMacedonia got its modern museum space in the center of Skopje.



Dr. Slavica Babamova Born in Skopje and holds a PhD in History from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Institute of National History. From 2003 until 2013 she has worked as a curator and senior curator of Epigraphy and stone sculpture in The Museum of Macedonia – Skopje, and since 2013 in The Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia, where starting from 2014 she works as a curator adviser of Epigraphy and stone sculpture. She has managed and participated in numerous epigraphic and archaeological field investigations in the Tikvesh and Bregalnica region; Golemo Gradishte, Konjuh – Kratovo; Stobi; Isar-Marvinci; Roman thermal sanatorium in Bansko, Strumica and Skopje Fortress, as well as several projects for conservation investigations and firsthand protection of stone museum artefacts. Her scientific investigation interest is mainly based on Hellenic and Latin epigraphy, then ancient history of Macedonia, Roman provinces, prosopography of ancient Macedonia and onomatology in Antiquity. She has participated in numerous conferences and study stays in the country and abroad. She is the author of several dozen scientific articles and two monographic publications: “Epigraphic monuments from the Republic of Macedonia dated according the Macedonian provincial era”, Institute of National History, Skopje, 2005 and “Inscriptiones Stoborum”, Studies in the Antiquities of Stobi, Monograph Series, Book I, NI Stobi, 2012.

Management Board

  • President of MB: Lenche Jovanova
  • Member of MB: Dr. Marina Onchevska Todorovska
  • Member of MB: Mila Shurbanoska
  • Member of MB: Irena Kolishtrkoska Nasteva

Sector for General Administrative Affairs, Legal Affairs and Human Resources

Contact person for access to information of public character Natasha Skenderska Advisor for international cooperation e-mail: nskenderska@amm.org.mk


Одделение за предисториска археологија

  • м-р Љиљана Шаламанов-Коробар, археолог, кустос советник за палеолит
  • м-р Елена Стојанова Канзурова, археолог, кустос советник за неолит
  • Буњамин Џемаили, кустос за неолит
  • Ирена Колиштркоска Настева, кустос советник
  • Гоце Коцевски , археолог, виш кустос за бронзено време
  • д-р Александра Папазовска, археолог, кустос советник за железно време
  • Страхил Темов, археолог, кустос советник за железно време
  • м-р Александра Чевреска, кустос за железно време

Одделение за античка археологија

  • д-р Роберт Петковски виш кустос за архајски период
  • м-р Горан Санев, археолог, кустос советник за класичен период
  • м-р Перо Арџанлиев, археолог, кустос советник за хеленистички период
  • м-р Клековски Јане, кустос советник за римски период
  • Михаил Стојановски, кустос за римски период
  • Радомир Ивановиќ кустос за доцна антика

Одделение за археологија на средновековен и османлиски период

  • м-р Љубинка Џидрова, археолог, кустос советник за средновековна археологија
  • Филип Аџиевски , кустос за доцен среден век
  • Марјан Јагликовски, кустос за османлиски период
  • Мартин Гиевски , кустос за 19 ти и 20 ти век

Одделение за интердисциплинарни истражувања:

  • д-р Славица Бабамова, епиграфичар, кустос советник
  • м-р Сања Битрак, нумизматичар, виш кустос
  • м-р Трајан Зафировски, нумизматичар, виш кустос за нумизматика
  • д-р Фаница Вељановска, физички антрополог, кустос советник
  • м-р Анета Фиданоска, археозоолог

Надворешни соработници – археолози:

  • Благоја Китановски
  • м-р Марина Спирова
  • д-р Перо Јосифовски
  • м-р Златко Видевски
  • Илија Бошковски
  • Филип Соколовски
  • м-р Перо Синадиновски

Одделение за конзервација и реставрација

  • Емилија Митева
  • Васил Николовски
  • Марија Николова
  • Љубица Ѓорчева
  • Делфина Трајчевска
  • Надворешни соработници :
  • Перо Кованцалиев
  • Гордана Младеновска
  • Перо Синадиновски

Маркетинг и односи со јавност

  • м-р Лидија Илковска – Јанушева, советник за маркетинг и односи со јавност   e-mail: contact@amm.org.mk


Archaeological sites

Тумба Маџари

Tumba Madzari

Големо Градиште – Коњух

Golemo Gradishte, Konjuh

Архео Парк Бразда

Arheo Park Brazda

Куршумли ан

Kurshumli An
