Geomagnetic and control archeological excavations at the site Mali Dol in the village of Tremnik, Negotino

 The archeological site Mali Dol near the village Tremnik, Negotino has been systematically researched since 2009.

This year, for the first time, ground penetrating radar survey were carried out, which allowed us to get a picture of the concentration of the graves.

In general, the purpose of this systematic research was to investigate the Mali Dol necropolises, determined in two burial horizons, which have different ranges of dispersion in space at different time periods.

Primarily, the role of these excavations is to protect the necropolis from damage done by agricultural activities in the area, and then to determine its character, to define its appearance, size, to establish its position in relation to neighboring sites (e.g. the settlement at the site Chair Hill) and placement in the space, i.e. to determine the area of ​​its extension.

The significance of the Mali Dol necropolises lies precisely in the long-term use of the place for burial. The results of the excavations give us a picture of the character of this necropolis, and through the material culture we can define the question of the cultural identity of these prehistoric communities.

With this year’s geomagnetic surveys and research of the area at the site Mali Dol in the village Tremnik, 7 burials were discovered, 4 of which were urns and 3 were stone cysts.

The head of the research is Dr. Aleksandra Papazovska, the rest of the expert team consisted of Kostadinka Filipova, senior curator from the Museum of the City of Negotino, Aleksandra Chevreska, MA, curator, Nikola Hadzi Nikolov, Gordana Mladenovska, conservator, Ilija Boshkovski, archaeologist, Radomir Ivanovik,, curator and Martin Gievski, curator at the Archaeological Museum of RNM.